"value" => Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3939
name: "contact"
type_class: "Eccube\Form\Type\Front\ContactType"
data: [
"name01" => "WRIGHT Eng."
"name02" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"kana01" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"kana02" => null
"postal_code" => "80202"
"pref" => Eccube\Entity\Master\Pref {#4487
#id: 12
#name: "千葉県"
#sort_no: 12
"addr01" => "Denver"
"addr02" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"phone_number" => "7209248652"
"email" => "newsletter@wexxon.com"
"contents" => "Are you looking for a very effective and affordable way to get your business to make money much faster? If so, we can offer you our direct marketing campaigns by sending promotional messages for your business and services to the website’s contact forms in the USA and worldwide. We have a vast database of contact form URLs, and we can get your promotional message delivered to 10 million contact form URLs with any promotional message you need within a few hours. You can order your direct marketing campaign at https://wexxon.com/en/home/29-make-money-much-faster.html"
"constraints" => null
"groups" => null
Path |
Message |
Invalid value |
Violation |
children[name].children[name01].data |
スペース、タブ、改行は含めないで下さい。 |
"WRIGHT Eng." |
Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolation {#4776
-message: "スペース、タブ、改行は含めないで下さい。"
-messageTemplate: "form_error.not_contain_spaces"
-parameters: [
"{{ value }}" => ""WRIGHT Eng.""
-plural: null
-root: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3939
name: "contact"
type_class: "Eccube\Form\Type\Front\ContactType"
data: [
"name01" => "WRIGHT Eng."
"name02" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"kana01" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"kana02" => null
"postal_code" => "80202"
"pref" => Eccube\Entity\Master\Pref {#4487
#id: 12
#name: "千葉県"
#sort_no: 12
"addr01" => "Denver"
"addr02" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"phone_number" => "7209248652"
"email" => "newsletter@wexxon.com"
"contents" => "Are you looking for a very effective and affordable way to get your business to make money much faster? If so, we can offer you our direct marketing campaigns by sending promotional messages for your business and services to the website’s contact forms in the USA and worldwide. We have a vast database of contact form URLs, and we can get your promotional message delivered to 10 million contact form URLs with any promotional message you need within a few hours. You can order your direct marketing campaign at https://wexxon.com/en/home/29-make-money-much-faster.html"
-propertyPath: "children[name].children[name01].data"
-invalidValue: "WRIGHT Eng."
-constraint: Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Regex {#3803 …}
-code: "de1e3db3-5ed4-4941-aae4-59f3667cc3a3"
-cause: null
} |
children[name].children[name02].data |
値が長すぎます。16文字以内でなければなりません。 |
"Brian WRIGHT Eng." |
Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolation {#4820
-message: "値が長すぎます。16文字以内でなければなりません。"
-messageTemplate: "This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less."
-parameters: [
"{{ value }}" => ""Brian WRIGHT Eng.""
"{{ limit }}" => "16"
-plural: 16
-root: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3939
name: "contact"
type_class: "Eccube\Form\Type\Front\ContactType"
data: [
"name01" => "WRIGHT Eng."
"name02" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"kana01" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"kana02" => null
"postal_code" => "80202"
"pref" => Eccube\Entity\Master\Pref {#4487
#id: 12
#name: "千葉県"
#sort_no: 12
"addr01" => "Denver"
"addr02" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"phone_number" => "7209248652"
"email" => "newsletter@wexxon.com"
"contents" => "Are you looking for a very effective and affordable way to get your business to make money much faster? If so, we can offer you our direct marketing campaigns by sending promotional messages for your business and services to the website’s contact forms in the USA and worldwide. We have a vast database of contact form URLs, and we can get your promotional message delivered to 10 million contact form URLs with any promotional message you need within a few hours. You can order your direct marketing campaign at https://wexxon.com/en/home/29-make-money-much-faster.html"
-propertyPath: "children[name].children[name02].data"
-invalidValue: "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
-constraint: Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#3804 …}
-code: "d94b19cc-114f-4f44-9cc4-4138e80a87b9"
-cause: null
} |
children[name].children[name02].data |
スペース、タブ、改行は含めないで下さい。 |
"Brian WRIGHT Eng." |
Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolation {#4819
-message: "スペース、タブ、改行は含めないで下さい。"
-messageTemplate: "form_error.not_contain_spaces"
-parameters: [
"{{ value }}" => ""Brian WRIGHT Eng.""
-plural: null
-root: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3939
name: "contact"
type_class: "Eccube\Form\Type\Front\ContactType"
data: [
"name01" => "WRIGHT Eng."
"name02" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"kana01" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"kana02" => null
"postal_code" => "80202"
"pref" => Eccube\Entity\Master\Pref {#4487
#id: 12
#name: "千葉県"
#sort_no: 12
"addr01" => "Denver"
"addr02" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"phone_number" => "7209248652"
"email" => "newsletter@wexxon.com"
"contents" => "Are you looking for a very effective and affordable way to get your business to make money much faster? If so, we can offer you our direct marketing campaigns by sending promotional messages for your business and services to the website’s contact forms in the USA and worldwide. We have a vast database of contact form URLs, and we can get your promotional message delivered to 10 million contact form URLs with any promotional message you need within a few hours. You can order your direct marketing campaign at https://wexxon.com/en/home/29-make-money-much-faster.html"
-propertyPath: "children[name].children[name02].data"
-invalidValue: "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
-constraint: Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Regex {#3805 …}
-code: "de1e3db3-5ed4-4941-aae4-59f3667cc3a3"
-cause: null
} |
children[kana].children[kana01].data |
カタカナで入力してください。 |
"Brian WRIGHT Eng." |
Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolation {#4818
-message: "カタカナで入力してください。"
-messageTemplate: "form_error.kana_only"
-parameters: [
"{{ value }}" => ""Brian WRIGHT Eng.""
-plural: null
-root: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3939
name: "contact"
type_class: "Eccube\Form\Type\Front\ContactType"
data: [
"name01" => "WRIGHT Eng."
"name02" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"kana01" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"kana02" => null
"postal_code" => "80202"
"pref" => Eccube\Entity\Master\Pref {#4487
#id: 12
#name: "千葉県"
#sort_no: 12
"addr01" => "Denver"
"addr02" => "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
"phone_number" => "7209248652"
"email" => "newsletter@wexxon.com"
"contents" => "Are you looking for a very effective and affordable way to get your business to make money much faster? If so, we can offer you our direct marketing campaigns by sending promotional messages for your business and services to the website’s contact forms in the USA and worldwide. We have a vast database of contact form URLs, and we can get your promotional message delivered to 10 million contact form URLs with any promotional message you need within a few hours. You can order your direct marketing campaign at https://wexxon.com/en/home/29-make-money-much-faster.html"
-propertyPath: "children[kana].children[kana01].data"
-invalidValue: "Brian WRIGHT Eng."
-constraint: Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Regex {#3822 …}
-code: "de1e3db3-5ed4-4941-aae4-59f3667cc3a3"
-cause: null
} |